My Process

Free 15-30 minute consultation - in-person or via web meeting - where we will:

  • Identify your goals

  • Discuss the scope and nature of the project

  • Determine how Clean and Queer can be involved

  • Answer all questions

I promise service without judgement regardless of your background or circumstances. Sliding-scale pricing available.

Written Estimate/Quote:

  • provided via email within 48 hours of initial consultation

  • includes an outline of the project

  • includes a timeline where appropriate

  • includes detailed cost estimate

On-Site Work:

  • My service area is New York City

  • Your location must be accesible via public transit

  • There is no charge for travel if it takes less than one hour total per round-trip; additional travel time will be billed in 15 minute increments at my regular rate.

  • I bill in 15 minute increments for on-site work, there is a 2 hour per-project minimum